Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Who is it?

Who is it that you truly do NOT like? We all have people in our lives that we simply do NOT enjoy spending time around or when we are around them we have negative view of them in our mind. I know I have people like that in my life. This is not something I am proud of because it is SIN. I am jealous of many people either because of their talents compared to mine, or because they have something that I don't or because they're close to a person that I wish I was closer with.

I was reminded today in chapel that instead of HATING these people silently we should instead PRAY for them. This is something that I need to do more regularly. I tried it today, it was NOT easy, because I am a SINNER and wanted nothing more than to be angry and judgmental toward this person. But instead the HOLY SPIRIT whispered in my ear and reminded me that God HATES my sin and by judging this person I was sinning.

So think about it... Who is that person or people that you simply can NOT stand to be around or that you're constantly jealous of? Next time instead of seeing them and being angry or jealous, PRAY FOR THEM! I know this is not a simple thing, but lets do it together. This MIGHT, just MAYBE change our relationship with that person or people in a positive way.

Friday, September 17, 2010

My mom

My mom is one of the strongest women I know. I always feel so encouraged by her strength and her wisdom. My mom has gone through some horrible things in her life, but she has chosen to keep her faith in the Lord strong through it all. Right now my mom is taking on a new role. She is full time mom, full time Grandma, full time wife and now full time nurse. She loves each of us so much and shows her love for us all the time. I know that she is scared about my dad's illness and worried about the future. She still is choosing to praise God through this very hard trial. I have learned so much from my mom over the years. Even though we did not always get along I knew that there was nothing I could ever do that would cause her to love me less. She has sacrificed so much for her daughters and made her family a top priority, always. One of my favorite memories of my mom is when she would write me cards and hide them in my luggage. Whenever I would go to camp or any place over night my mom would write a hard of encouragement for me and hide it in my bag. Even though I expected to find a card every time it still was exciting to find the card shoved into my suitcase. This is a tradition that I have now carried on and this summer I wrote special notes for all the girls I took to camp and hid the note in their bags. They were so excited, just like I was. I wish I could be a better encouragement for my Mom right now. It is hard being far away, but I always stand firm in knowing that God has me in the exact place that he wants me, and right now that is in Chicago to finish college.

Mom, if you're reading this; know that you are loved very much. We all are here to support you and give you strength when you feel like you have none left. Thank you for always supporting me and guiding me in my faith with Jesus Christ. You have been a huge inspiration for me, and I am ever so thankful. I love you!

Saturday, September 11, 2010


My dad, always able to supply us with laughter. This is one of my favorite memories of my Dad, Halloween. When I was little and still needed someone to take my trick or treating my Dad was the one to go with me. He would wear is disgusting green pants, this orange sweatshirt and scary mask. He would take throughout our neighborhood, and then we would drive to houses of people from the church. He always ended up getting extra candy because everyone loved seeing Deano. Once I got old enough that I didn't need anyone to go with me or when I got to old to even go trick or treating at all we would sit at home and pass candy out. Dad is exactly like HIS DAD, Grandpa Chet. My Grandpa would keep a tally of every trick or treater and then save that tally sheet from year to year and compare numbers from every year. My dad now does that, and even though I think it is silly it is something that makes me smile.

Right now my Dad is sick. His kidneys are failing him, and his body is very weak. Even though i'm sad and scared, thinking about all the funny stories about my Dad brings me joy. Just about everyone that knows my dad has a story they can share about him. I know that he is loved by everyone that knows him, and that he is not alone, not even close.

Please be in continual prayer for my dad. I believe that God is the great physician, and he has the power to heal. My family and I are choosing to praise God through this storm, and your encouragement helps.