1) February 25-26 we are taking a group of teenagers on an over night retreat. We are going to a retreat place called Maranatha. The retreat is the first of many we will do throughout the year, and will begin to lay the foundation for a growing year in the lives of the teens. Please pray for open hearts in the teens and for all details to fall into place.
2) Safety- last week the house across the street from mine (which is also owned by LifeBuilders) was broken in to. This house is empty right now, so that is why someone tried to get in. I am not scared that my house will be broken in to, but it is always a possibility.
3) Finances- I am learning how to live a strict budget and it is new for me. I am trying to save so I can buy a car, but it is hard because I don't have much to begin with. I need to discipline myself better.
4) Financial Support.... Currently I am at about 4 months of support; which is great. But I am still in need of more.
5) My Grandma- it is hard being so far away and knowing that she is failing. She is requiring almost 24/7 care now. This is difficult on my Mom, Dad and Aunt Susie. Please pray for their strength and ability to get my Grandma through this. Also please encourage them any way you can.
6) My dad's kidney transplant (Feb. 28th)- Pray that ALL will go well for both he and Marian. This is an amazing sacrifice she making, and I pray that she will recover quickly.
Hey Bubba! Just wanted to let you know that I've been praying for Deano! Mom just let me know that he's out of surgery! Yay! My Bible study is keeping you guys in our prayers!