Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Strongest men in the world....

Last Friday night I went with 3 of our teen boys from LifeBuilders to see a group called TEAM IMPACT. This group travels all over the world and are some of the strongest men in the world. BUT the cool part about them is that they are glorying Christ with their strength. These men break bricks, baseball bats, lift huge logs, and so much more, but they do nothing on their strength, they allow Jesus' strength to overcome them. During the performance the gospel was proclaimed clearly, and many people in the audience went forward to accept Christ as their Savior.

It was great to hang out with the boys because I usually don't get to see them very much, since i'm usually with the girls. I see them for a short time of Thursday nights during their bible study, but then they 'kick me out' because it is 'boys time'. It was great to see their reactions to these crazy stunts, and just being a part of their lives. After the event we went and grabbed something to eat. We had a lot of fun joking around and having fun together. I was blessed that night to be with them. I always learn from them and appreciate them allowing me into their lives.

Monday, May 2, 2011

How to give

If the Lord puts it on your heart to give to my support, this is how you can do so.....

Send donations to this address:

P.O. Box 806438
St. Claire Shores, MI 48080

Check can be made out to LifeBuilders and then indicate in the memo
"Powell support"

If you are unable to give financially, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE be in prayer for me and for the ministry of LifeBuilders in our community. God is at work, but prayers are always needed!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Financial Support

Hello friends, this is the part of my job that I find very difficult and very humbling... raising financial support. So many have been so gracious in giving monthly, and so many were gracious at the beginning of my time here at LifeBuilders. I currently do not have enough monthly support to keep going throughout the summer. The support that was given by individuals in the beginning is quickly running out. Currently less than $400 is coming in new each month. I originally was hoping to raise enough each month for $700 a month, but have seen that this amount is not quite enough. But at this point I am unable to raise the amount since the lower amount isn't coming in. I am asking you to please consider becoming a monthly supporter of this mission work that God has called me to for this season. The ministry is unable to provide any additional funding for me, so without supporters I will not be able to continue in this capacity past the summer. If you would pray and ask the Lord if He would have you give I would greatly appreciate it. Even just $10 a month, or a one time gift will be helpful. I have always believed God will provide, and I still am believing that He will provide. This process is definitely stretching me in my faith as I realize I have no control over any of this. I hope that all of you know how much you mean to me, and how each of you have played a part in my journey of faith. I would not be where I am if it were not for all of you in my life. I love you all.

Thank you,